The Directorate of Government Examination has published the scanned
copy of the answer scripts of the applied candidates. Following this the
TNDGE will announce the Tamilnadu 12th revaluation result 2016 for all
the plus two students who will apply for the retotaling and the
revaluation process. Below we have given the steps to download the scan
copy of the answer sheet @ and also the date of
declaration of the TN HSC revaluation results 2016.
TN HSC revaluation results 2016
TN HSC revaluation result date 2016: will be updated soon.
Very much important:
Tamilnadu 12th revaluation results 2016 will be final and no more chances will be given to any candidate.
Hope you found that your plus two (+ 2) paper need to be reevaluated,
then with confidence only you have applied for this procedure. So with
that same confidence you can now check the TN 12th retotaling/reval
result here form the following link.