1. WHEREVER malpractices were found and booked by some person, other than Hall
Supervisors for the past 8 days, the Hall Supervisors should be suspended immediately.
The list mentioned above, should be provided by 4.00 PM, on 21.03.2015 - to the Director
of Government Examinations, Chennai – 6.
cases, where the candidates have not written the Question Booklet Series (A or B)in the
2. It is brought to the Notice of the Director of Government Examinations, that there are
3. A meeting should be conducted by the District Educational Officers, for the Chief
answer booklet. Disciplinary action should be initiated against the Chief Superintendent /
Departmental Officers, concerned.
(i) mistakes occurred during the first day of examination, the Chief Superintendents /
(ie.20.3.2015) -
Departmental Officers should be informed accordingly, and it should not be repeated
applies to all the Chief Superintendents / Departmental Officers and Standing squad also.
(ii) There are incidents that some-how the Hall Supervisors managed to carry
mobile phones with them to the examination halls. This should be strictly prevented. This
No one should carry the mobile phone, inside the examination premises itself.
This letter may be forwarded to all the District Educational Officers, and it should be acknowledged within one hour by the District Educational Officers, to the Joint Director (Higher Secondary) & Joint Director (Personnel) of Govt. Examinations, Chennai-6, over phone.